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Understanding the Role of Digital Marketing Audit In Online Business Growth


Magazine For All

December 20, 2022

Image showing 4 person that doing digital marketing audit

When you’re trying to find ways to improve your website’s digital marketing strategy then it may be time to conduct a digital marketing audit. 

If performed effectively, then a digital marketing audit can provide valuable insights into what you can do further to grow your online business. 

In case you don’t know what a digital marketing audit is, and how it works then we are here to help you. 

What is a Digital Marketing Audit?

In simple terms, a digital marketing audit is a detailed examination of your digital marketing strategies. The performance of your practices, ads, techniques, and posts will be evaluated on an ongoing basis, enabling you to find all the digital weaknesses and risks within your online business operation.

You should identify your goals when you decide to audit your digital marketing strategy. What is your business website plan? Whom are you trying to reach with your ads, emails, social media, or blog posts? Who is your target audience and what do you expect how they should respond?

There are many more questions that you address through a digital marketing audit such as how long has it been since you worked on SEO? Is your website mobile-friendly? Once you have clear and direct answers to these questions, you can move forward to set a strategic plan to boost your performance. 

Keep in mind that every digital marketing strategy used by your company to reach your target market has a method for auditing it and analyzing its results.

What are the Types of Digital Marketing Audit?

There is a long list of things that you analyze in a digital marketing audit. Indeed, we can not adjust all the things in a single category. Therefore, there are different types of audits for different aspects of a website.  

You can perform the following types of audits on your way to inspect your website’s health score and performance: 

Social Media Audit

Social Media plays an important role in making a presence and attracting an audience from Social Media. If you want your digital marketing to work at best you should keep in mind the following points for Social Media Audit

  • Channel Performance Review
  • Audience Insights
  • Digital Buzz Check
  • Workflow Health Check
  • Company Goals Alignment

Content Marketing Audit

Content Marketing basically helps to attract users through your content whether it is text, pdf, or visuals. To get the best out of it, you should take care of the following points: 

  • Identify Your Main Goal
  • Identify The Content To Include
  • Define Your Inventory/Audit Facts
  • Inventory the content to Be Audited
  • Audit The Content In Your Inventory

SEO Audit

SEO plays a major role in making your presence on the Search Engine at the top. If you are not doing it, you don’t have any chance to get the right audience. 

A quick SEO audit requires you to: 

  • Check To See If Your Site Is Mobile-Friendly
  • Ensure Google indexes ONE version of your website
  • Speed Up Your Site
  • Find and Delete Zombie Pages
  • Track and Fix Indexing Problems
  • Check Your Organic Traffic
  • Improve Your On-Page SEO
  • Set-Up Keyword Rank Tracking
  • Analyze Your Backlinks
  • Inspect Your Competitors

Website Audit

For Digital Marketing it is necessary to have a website in which you have displayed all the information. You need to look through what you are providing to your users and how.

For this purpose, you can leverage the following: 

  • A master website audit checklist
  • Website audit tools
  • The light website audit
  • The SEO content audit
  • The technical SEO audit
  • The design / UX audit
  • The accessibility audit
  • The conversion rate optimization audit

PPC Audit 

If you are looking for leads to generate and you took the support of PPC for it. 

The following points can help you take care of it:

  • Make Sure Conversions Are Tracked
  • Check Targeting Settings
  • Check Ad Group Relevance
  • Check the Number of Ad Groups
  • Explore Ad Extensions
  • Review Keyword Match Types
  • Check Your Negative Keywords
  • Set Your Game Plan

Why Is Digital Marketing Audit Important for Online Businesses? 

For your online business’s success, analyzing your website’s performance is not a sufficient means of improving your performance. To achieve great results, you should also monitor your competition. Knowing and understanding your competition’s strategies and techniques is important to your business’s growth. 

A digital marketing audit will help you gain a better understanding of your marketing and optimization efforts in comparison with your competitors. The audit will allow you to improve your strongest features and eliminate your weakest ones. 

Having a digital audit is the most effective way to help your business succeed, grow, and maintain success. An SEO audit is a common starting point for most audits. The SEO audit is divided into three parts: authority, content, and technical.

We also discussed issues related to your website’s structure, coding, and server design that affect accessibility and visibility. Meanwhile, the content audit focuses on analyzing:

  • On and Off-page Keyword Usage
  • How Keywords Rank
  • The Most Organic Traffic
  • Non-competitive Keywords

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